RX-8 Tech Support
How To Double The Life of Your RX-8 Engine
Posted by Chris Ott on
That’s a mighty bold statement and we surely have your attention. Let’s begin with a bit of background. It’s no secret that the RX-8 has had a spotty record with engine life. While many have 100,000+ mile lifespan, far too many have gone far less. There is no single item that can be changed to double the engine life. It requires four changes AND your adherence to common maintenances that all cars require (oil changes, air filter service, etc.). A quick philosophical aside: How can we make a few recommendations that can improve the car in major foundational ways, but...
- Tags: Mazda, Premix, Rotary Performance, RX-8 Tech Support, SE3P, store news
Gas Smells and Fuel Leaks...
Posted by Matthew Schroeder on
The RX-8 is know for fuel leaks. Fortunately, it is almost always has to do with the fuel pump. Unfortunately, when the leak is from the top cover for the fuel pump it comes as an entire fuel pump assembly. You need to determine if the pump cover is leaking around the large seal that holds it to the tank, or if the pump-outlet-tube is cracked. With the left rear seat base, and the metal inspection cover removed, you will likely see and smell gas. If it is a cracked outlet tube, there will be a hairline crack down it's...
- Tags: Fuel Smell
Evaporative Emission Problems.
Posted by Matthew Schroeder on
P0441 / P0442 / P0443 / P0446 / P0455 / P0456: Code are all related to the evaporation emission system. The system periodically test that the fuel system sealed from the outside world. This system consist of an air pump and pressure transducer assembly that pressurizes the fuel tank and a Purge Solenoid that vents the pressure into the intake when the test is completed. It takes a few drive cycles for the computer to be satisfied that everything is OK. So, there is a delay before the system shows that all emission systems are ready as far as the...
- Tags: Evaporative Emissions
Trouble Codes?
Posted by Matthew Schroeder on
We have had a rash of questions this week about Tuning Valve troubles in RX-8's. I thought I would take a few minutes to start some support documentation: P0661 / P0662: SSV Solenoid: This solenoid controls the flow of vacuum to the SSV Valve Diaphragm and is the center of the three valves on the back of the engine -- near the oil filter. The connector is white. It is difficult to reach the connections to test this solenoid while installed on the car, but the resistance should be around 30 ohms. Anything above 40 ohms will often trigger a...
- Tags: SSV Valve